Australian Baha'i Sites

Stories of The Master: New podcast connects hearts to ‘Abdu’l-Baha 

In this interview with Australian Baha’i Horizons, Sana Vasli speaks about the inspiration behind his individual initiative Stories of The Master – a podcast series that shares inspiring and evocative stories of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. 

Sana Vasli believes that if we want to know how to change the world, we only need look to the example of ‘Abdu’l-Baha – or The Master – the son of Baha’u’llah. 

“The answers to the problems in our individual and collective lives find their highest expression in the magic name of ‘Abdu’l-Baha,” the Sydney-based father and educator says.  

“As Baha’is, we don’t need to wonder ‘what would ‘Abdu’l-Baha do’? We can simply ask ‘what did He do’ and just follow. There is no scenario, challenge or goal that cannot be guided by (His example). 

“If we want to know how to change the world, we just need to look and follow Him.” 

At the end of 2023, armed with his experience in children’s education and his love for storytelling, Sana decided to launch a special series of podcasts devoted to the personage of ‘Abdu’l-Baha. 

“I found a love of storytelling after becoming a dad and teaching Baha’i children’s classes,” Sana explains. “The way children connect to the Faith and develop an understanding of what it means to be a Baha’i grows through stories.” 

Unearthing “tiny and sometimes overlooked” details in Baha’i history, the new podcast Stories of The Master is an expression of Sana’s love for ‘Abdu’l-Baha. 

Each episode features inspiring storytelling woven together with music, sound effects and strong imagery, with a variety of sources and elaborate research assisting him to produce each piece. 

“I think storytelling is a powerful artform and there are many mediums to do this in. A lot of people enjoy videos, live shows and some like to listen and use their mind to colour in the story.

“When I was young, I was interested in the Laws of the Faith, but really fell in love through stories. I remember attending talks at night or going to camps and conferences to hear stories told passionately. The speaker wouldn’t just share the facts but share their emotion and personal understanding to bring it to life.” 

In its Ridvan 2023 Message, the Universal House of Justice states that “In this new series of Plans, increasing attention needs to be given to other processes that seek to enhance the life of a community—for example, … drawing more effectively on the power of the arts.” 

“When we create art, we are sharing something personal about what the Faith means to us,” Sana says. “In community building, the arts can help many people meditate on the meaning of the Writings and find an outlet to express what it means to them.” 

The 19-episode series is available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts

Thanks for reading.


Sana Vasli

Sana Vasli is a father, educator, and storyteller based in Sydney, New South Wales. He has a love for children’s education and appreciates the importance of employing the arts into community-building efforts.

Published in April, 2024, in Individual Initiatives > Arts & Music

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