Australian Baha'i Sites
Jacob and Sami

‘We are there to serve’: Two Australian youth share their overseas pioneering story 

In this interview with Australian Baha’i Horizons, Jacob Baron and Sami Milani speak about their work assisting with the community-building process unfolding in eastern Europe and explore what it ...

Yas Daniel Matbouly

From humble beginnings to one of Australia’s fastest growing charities – the story of Serving Our People 

It was during the Covid lockdowns some four years ago that Gold Coast resident Yas Matbouly decided he wanted to do something to help those who were isolated and unable to access essential ...

Dellaram Vreeland

Shining the beacon of hope – Reflections on our role in the current Plan 

In 1953, the Guardian of the Baha’i Faith, Shoghi Effendi, facilitated a global Plan called the Ten Year Crusade, calling on the friends to share the unifying message of Baha’u’llah across the ...

Renee Campbell

‘Bounties far outweigh the difficulties’: From Perthie to pioneer 

In this interview with Australian Baha’i Horizons, Renee Campbell speaks about her decision to pioneer abroad, and the community-building work currently underway in her newfound neighbourhood in ...

Bahareh Khademi

Open Mic Night celebrates impact of the arts

A new initiative in the Gold Coast is celebrating the creative talents of people of all ages, encouraging friends to move outside their comfort zone and celebrating the impact of the arts. The ...

Dellaram Vreeland

Sharing glimpses into the growth process unfolding across Australia 

In its 28 November message, the Universal House of Justice identifies, as one primary area of focus, “the multiplication and intensification of programmes of growth”, where communities grow in ...

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