Australian Baha'i Sites

Baha’i Publications Australia

Baha’i Publications Australia are the distribution and publication businesses of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Australia and are overseen by the Distribution and Publication Board. The Board seeks to learn about the changing conditions and needs for the provision of literature and materials for the advancement of the Faith at the grassroots, to refine systems for the production and distribution of literature and materials, and to raise teams of individuals skilled in publication and distribution.

Latest from Baha’i Publications Australia

Baha’i Publications Australia

New book ‘interrogates reality’ of persecution against Baha’is in Iran 

In 2013, Maryam Safajoo harnessed her talents and began to paint artworks portraying the persecution of the Baha’is in Iran.  “I painted scenes as I felt personally inspired to,” the United ...