Australian Baha'i Sites
authored by

Keith McDonald

Keith McDonald was a print journalist. In a 45-year career he was a reporter, feature writer, editor and columnist. He was also editor of British Baha’i newspaper Intercom Baha’i, served on the Editorial Board of the Australia-New Zealand Baha’i magazine, Herald of the South, and edited both The Australian Baha’i Bulletin and The Australian Baha’i. He has been a Baha’i for more than 50 years and lives in Perth.  

Latest from Keith McDonald

Keith McDonald

‘Feeling of hope and faith’: New book injects light into the darkness 

Nobel Prize for Literature winner Gao Xingjian says that “It’s in literature that true life can be found. It’s under the mask of fiction that you can tell the truth.”  It’s a sentiment that ...