Children’s Education

Baha’is see children as the most precious treasure a community can possess. In them are the promise and guarantee of the future. Yet, in order for this promise to be realised, children need to receive spiritual nourishment. In a world where the joy and innocence of childhood can be so easily overwhelmed by the aggressive pursuit of materialistic ends, the moral and spiritual education of children assumes vital importance.
The Baha’i community at every level is highly sensitised to the need to respond to the spiritual aspirations of the young. In recent years, training institutes around the world have been playing an increasingly important part in the training of teachers to conduct classes for the spiritual education of children. The materials being developed for use by the institutes emphasise the acquisition of spiritual qualities – for example, truthfulness, generosity, purity of heart, and kindness, to name a few – which are considered attributes of God that are reflected in the mirror of the human heart.
The stories in this collection showcase the efforts being made across Australia to strengthen the Baha’i moral education process so that the children can reach a stage in which they can understand and act upon the imperative to tend to their own spiritual development and contribute to the well-being of society.
“ Children are the most precious treasure a community can possess, for in them are the promise and guarantee of the future. ”
The Universal House of Justice
In this Collection ...
Children’s festivals and junior youth camps key to growth process
The hosting of children’s festivals and junior youth camps are acting as a catalyst in the growth process across South Eastern Australia (SEA), with this approach to community-building taking ...
‘An indelible mark’: Children’s class excursion to Baha’i temple reinforces concept of service and worship
Families from the ACT children’s classes travelled to Sydney to hold an end-of-term celebration at the Continental Baha’i House of Worship, exploring the theme of service and worship while ...
‘A society built on unity’: Family camps deepen understanding of Baha’u’llah’s vision
For the past 11 years, the Baha’is of Box Hill have been working closely with the local Chinese community to strengthen the capacity-building process unfolding in the neighbourhood. “Most ...
‘We learn together’: Locals in Waiben neighbourhood take charge of children’s festivals
Families in the neighbourhood of Waiben, Thursday Island are taking ownership of the facilitation of local children’s festivals, leading to a more “related and adaptable” experience. ...
Casey mothers rally together to strengthen local children’s class
A group of mothers in the community of Casey, located in Melbourne’s south-east, have banded together to further strengthen the moral education process taking root in their neighbourhood. ...
Children’s Class participants raise funds for MND in East Fremantle
A children’s class in East Fremantle, Western Australia has raised more than $4400 for Motor Neurone Disease following a festive fundraising event held at Richmond Primary School. Baha’i ...