Australian Baha'i Sites

Harnessing the power of prayer when engaging in conversations 

For many months, Perth-based Baha’i Georgie Sounness had been praying for ways to introduce spiritual conversations into her interactions with friends. 

Owning a small hobby farm in regional Western Australia, she acknowledged the challenges that came with building community in the country. Even though her neighbours did not live close together, and many were hesitant to speak about spiritual matters, she still felt the need to engage in elevated conversations about the Faith and building community in a manner that would not make people feel uncomfortable.

Friends gathered on Georgie Sounness’s property for the tree planting initiative.

After months of praying, making regular visits to her neighbours, sharing cakes and building friendships, an opportunity soon arose when Georgie’s neighbours offered to help with the planting of 700 trees on her farm. 

A couple of days prior to the session, Georgie unexpectedly came across one of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s newly revealed prayers, one which seemed particularly apt in the lead up to the tree planting event. 

O Thou Lord of wondrous grace! 

Bestow upon us new blessings. Give to us the freshness of the spring. We are saplings which have been planted by the fingers of Thy bounty and have been formed out of the water and clay of Thy tender affection.

We thirst for the living waters of Thy favours and are dependent upon the outpourings of the clouds of Thy generosity. Abandon not to itself the grove wherein our hopes aspire, nor withhold therefrom the showers of Thy loving-kindness.

Grant that from the clouds of Thy mercy may fall copious rain so that the trees of our lives may bring forth fruit and we may attain the most cherished desire of our hearts.  


On the day of the event, after the tree planting was complete, the friends shared a cuppa over the fire and viewed the efforts of the day just gone. Georgie later reflected that being in nature, working together and the slow pace of waiting for the billy to boil provided the chance for her to share the prayer she had recently discovered. 

A natural and respectful opportunity to introduce spirituality into her interactions with friends, Georgie said she was thankful for the opportunity to bring an elevated component into her community-building activity and conversation, saying it felt like a gift, a confirmation and an answer to her prayers. 

Thanks for reading.


Georgie Sounness

Georgie Sounness is a Baha’i who is based in Perth, Western Australia.

Published in July, 2024, in Individual Initiatives > Reflections

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