Australian Baha'i Sites

The growth of Kensington’s capacity-building process  

It’s been 25 years since the moral education process launched in Kensington, a suburb located in the south of Perth’s central business district. 

The process launched when two Baha’i children started attending the local primary school, and Baha’i children’s classes were offered as an extra-curricular activity.  

“The Local Spiritual Assembly (local governing Baha’i body of the community) was asked to support local youth to also offer Baha’i classes in addition to the scripture classes [offered at the school],” says resident Emily Short.  

Over the past two decades, the activities have gradually grown, and Kensington has become its own centre of intense activity embracing just under 100 children in 14 children’s classes, three junior youth groups, and a number of study circles. 

The activities are facilitated by a group of up to 20 youth and adults, with most of the youth having graduated from the children’s class program. 

A group of children gather as part of one of the Kensington children’s classes.

There are also six families within the neighbourhood who are supporting, hosting or participating in the activities. The youth and families meet once a week to consult and reflect, with other consultation spaces held at the end of the school holidays to allow for further reflections and planning for the months ahead. “Neighbourhood unity feasts also provide a space for consultation,” Emily says. 

Kensington’s community-building process has been embracing more and more individuals thanks to a systematic program that focuses on action, training and mutual support. In July, the neighbourhood held one of its school holiday institute camps, which have been hosted regularly since 2018. Lasting between three and seven days, the institute camps are a training ground where new teachers and facilitators can complete select courses from the Ruhi curriculum depending on their chosen path of service, whether that be teaching children’s classes, animating junior youth groups, or hosting their own prayer gatherings.

The school holiday period also presents an opportune time for junior youth camps and children’s day camps. Emily says the children’s camps act as an alternative form of school holiday care for working parents.  

“[The children’s day camp] formed in response to a request from a parent who was looking for a more uplifting and low-cost means of childcare,” Emily says. “The day camp is run by the youth and assisted by the junior youth and provides a swift opportunity for [service] for those participating in the study of Book 3 in the institute camps.” 

Watch a video about the recent Kensington junior youth camp here:

The Kensington camps take place in several locations including private homes, the neighbourhood youth house, and at the local primary school. Emily says the camps contribute to the advancement of the capacity-building process. “They allow youth to serve if they can’t do so in a weekly space. Similarly, the youth are eager to assist in spaces they have fond memories of.” 

“The neighbourhood has a large focus on the core activities and a major drawcard for participation in the camp is the training to facilitate the core activities. As most of the youth have been raised through the children’s classes and junior youth programs, there is a love for those who taught them and a desire to also serve in the same aspect.” 

The Baha’i community’s core activities include classes that focus on the moral education of children, prayer gatherings that strengthen the devotional character of the neighbourhood, groups which inspire young people to effect change in the society around them, and circles of study aimed at transforming the individual and empowering them to serve their communities. It is through the advancement of these activities that Baha’is and their friends are working towards the building of vibrant and ever-evolving communities all around the world.

Thanks for reading.



Kensington, Perth, is made up of a group of families who are working together to make their area a more vibrant community. By fostering friendships and learning how to serve their neighbourhood together, the friends aim to give back to society using the Baha’i institute as the driving force.


Published in July, 2024, in Community Stories > Community Building

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