Multiplying powers: Strengthening relationships between the three protagonists
In its 30 December, 2021 message to the Continental Board of Counsellors, the Universal House of Justice speaks about the importance of strengthening the spirit of co-operation between the three protagonists of the Plan – the individual, the community and the institutions – in order to realise the aim of releasing the Faith’s society-building powers in even greater measures:
“The pursuit of this overall aim will require a further rise in the capacity of the individual believer, the local community, and the institutions of the Faith. These three constant protagonists of the Plan each have a part to play, and each one has capacities and qualities that must be developed. However, each is incapable of manifesting its full potential on its own. It is by strengthening their dynamic relationships with one another that their powers are combined and multiplied.”
Universal House of Justice 1
In its efforts to continue strengthening its dynamic relationship with the individual believers and community across Australia, the National Spiritual Assembly held its main January meeting in Perth, providing an opportunity to meet with individuals serving the institute process, National Office staff and their families, as well as the entire Perth Baha’i community.
Over the past several years, the Perth cluster has been focusing on the raising up of neighbourhoods and centres of intense activity that are “vibrant and outward-looking”, “learning how to bring about spiritual and material progress” and “learning how to contribute to the discourses that influence the direction of that progress”. 1
It its efforts to release the society-building powers of the Faith in even greater measures, the National Spiritual Assembly also noted the community’s level of commitment in creating conditions to harness the full potential of youth, as well as the devotion of those supporting the development of the Mashriqu’l-Adhkár national administration and international pioneering goals.
Thanks for reading.
National Spiritual Assembly
News and announcements from Australia’s guiding body – the National Spiritual Assembly.
Published in February, 2024, in Baha'i Institutions > Events
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