Australian Baha'i Sites

Welcome to Horizons!

The Australian Baha’i Community is thrilled to launch its new website, Horizons! 
Sharing news, community-building endeavours, individual initiatives, events and announcements from across the country, we hope this website will become a pertinent source of inspiration and information for everyone and anyone who wants to explore the role they can play in the unfoldment of Baha’u’llah’s vision in Australia. 
The National Spiritual Assembly has lovingly invested in the production of this news website in order to further reflect the developments taking place across the county, to strengthen the ties between the three protagonists of the Plan – the individuals, institutions and the community, to facilitate a flow of guidance, and to spur the well-wishers of humanity along their pathway of service. 

‘Abdu’l-Baha said that “Effort must be made that … the divine teachings, which constitute the spirit of this age, may reach the ears of the people of the world, may be propagated in the press and set forth with brilliance and eloquence in the assemblages of men.”1
Whether you’re working as a junior youth group animator in your neighbourhood or a study circle facilitator with a group of families, whether you’re serving in a local or national institution or taking the initiative to regularly reflect on the Holy Writings with neighbours, Horizons will be your repository of learning, guidance and information from which to glean inspiration and encouragement. 
Story ideas and contributions can be sent to for consideration. We look forward to casting a spotlight on how the Faith’s society-building power is being released in ever-greater measures across this vast and diverse country of ours. 

  1. ‘Abdu’l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha[]

Thanks for reading.


Horizons Team

The Horizons Team aims to cast a spotlight on how the Baha’i Faith’s society-building power is being released in ever-greater measures across this vast and diverse country of ours.


Published in February, 2024, in Baha'i Institutions > News & Announcements

Available online at:

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