Australian Baha'i Sites

Albany summer camp showcases the energy and enthusiasm of West Australia’s regions 

Close to 100 people from the West Australian regions have gathered amid the native Australian bushland as part of the 12th annual Albany Baha’i summer camp. 

Held over four days in January at the Scouts’ Gilcreek-Keppup Adventure Centre, the camp was characterised by energy and enthusiasm. 

With many participants having attended their first Albany camp as small children but now turned dynamic junior youth and youth, the camp was infused with a vibrant spirit, with one third of participants under 20 years old.

The camp was infused with a vibrant spirit, with one third of participants under 20 years old.

The program focused on the theme of Building a New Society – releasing the society-building powers of the Faith, in keeping with the overall theme for this year’s Australian Summer Schools. Keynote speakers included Amir and Hilary Abadi as well as Ian Herford, Nur Podger and Auxiliary Board member Tania Nelson Jain. 

Dr Abadi presented on the role of the Baha’i Faith in building an ever-advancing civilisation, referring to the institute process as the engine of growth, and how individuals, communities and institutions can use the transformative power of divine guidance to create a unified and just society.  

Mrs Abadi demonstrated the absolute equality of women and men, stressing that in the estimation of God there is no gender, reminding us that the world of humanity has two wings – women and men – and stirring our hearts with stories of heroines such as Bahiyyih Khanum, Ruhiyyih Khanum and Australia’s first Baha’i woman, Effie Baker.  

Mr Herford’s presentation ‘Shockwaves’ explored experiences of being in an earthquake and witnessing a tsunami, as well as looking at their origins and how to build resilience to their impacts. 

The program also included ice-breakers, games, a bush walk with local Menang-Noongar man Ryan Guilfoyle, a bush dance, talent night, a session on spiritual parenting, and Phil Doncon’s Paint Storm – a one-man exhibition of painting, break-dancing and advice that was designed to address mental health issues.

Phil Doncon’s Paint Storm – a one-man exhibition of painting, break-dancing and advice that was designed to address mental health issues – was a highlight of the summer camp.
Local Menang-Noongar man Ryan Guilfoyle gives a bush-walk at the Albany summer camp.

Summer camp participant Charles Pierce said participants also had the chance to form a choir to re-learn the song One Day under the guidance of Peter Kohl. “It was so uplifting and unifying to be singing this majestic song together, ably led by Peter for the men and Georgina Peris for the women,” he said. 

Charles said participants also heard from a number of different community-building efforts taking place across the region, including how Georgie Sounness and her husband Richard were working with neighbours at their farm to rehabilitate their creek, and how Safira Shanks was strengthening her junior youth group in the Wheat Belt town of Wongan Hills where the group has won encouragement and financial support from elderly well-wishers.

Safira Shanks speaks about her junior youth group in the Wheat Belt town of Wongan Hills.

“Other speakers covered the varied initiatives taking place within Albany, drawing out the principles of Baha’i projects of social action,” Charles said. 

“Saturday and Sunday afternoons each had one and a half hours of personal time, when participants were free to relax, talk to each other or participate in optional activities. 

“An on-going activity throughout the Camp was the painting of a huge mural on the wall of the main ablution block. Under the supervision of Phil Doncon, junior youth, youth and several adults offered their services in creating a magnificent image of the landscape around nearby Bluff Knoll – the highest mountain in the southern half of Western Australia. Paint was provided through the WA Scouts and Camp funds, with the result contributing to the overall beautification of the camp site and complementing the existing mural on the wall of the Camp’s Scout Museum painted by camp participants four years ago.”

Under the supervision of Phil Doncon, junior youth, youth and several adults offered their services in creating a magnificent image of the landscape around nearby Bluff Knoll – the highest mountain in the southern half of Western Australia.

Charles said the camp owed its success to all those who helped with its organisation, including the chefs, the volunteers, organising committee – “the same quartet who have organized the camp since its inception twelve years ago” – as well as the support received from all participants. 

“This was a marvellous summer camp, one in which old and young acquired new knowledge and skills, cooperated, prayed and sang together, and where the youth arose to heights that surely demonstrate a bright future for the Faith,” he said.

Participants at the Albany summer camp.
There was a spirit of love and joy infused throughout the Albany summer camp.

Another participant spoke about the privilege of and absolute joy of attending the camp amongst such dedicated, creative and service-oriented Baha’is and friends of the Faith. 

“The atmosphere of love and acceptance, the lack of judgement and deep spirituality that was palpable throughout the Camp was truly unique.” 

Thanks for reading.



The first Spiritual Assembly of the Baha’is of Albany was formed in 1987. Since then, the Albany Baha’i community has grown steadily. Its members have been active participants in community life and significant contributors to its spiritual and social progress.


Published in February, 2025, in Community Stories > Events

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