Australian Baha'i Sites

Handcrafted works of love from imprisoned Baha’is showcased in Sydney 

Handwoven garments, letters, purses, handcrafted jewellery, and intricately knitted dolls – these are some examples of the items lovingly made by Baha’is while imprisoned in Iran.  

One of the handmade garments on display as part of the Made With Love exhibition.

Sent as gifts to friends, family and loved ones abroad, a select number of these items are now on display in the Information Centre at the Sydney Baha’i House of Worship as part of the Made With Love exhibition. 

An initiative of a small group of Sydney-based volunteers, the exhibition aims to raise awareness about the persecution faced by Baha’is in Iran, particularly those who have been imprisoned in the past and those currently serving lengthy periods of incarceration. 

More than 100 works have been collected, a selection of which will be on display. The Baha’i Faith is the largest non-Muslim religious minority in Iran, with Baha’is facing systematic persecution since the 1979 revolution. They are denied access to higher education, their properties are confiscated, cemeteries destroyed, and they are denied basic human rights. 

A knitted doll on display at the Made With Love exhibition.

The Made With Love exhibition aims to raise awareness about the ongoing persecution, and to advocate for the release of all individual Baha’is currently serving prison terms. 

A recent report released by Human Rights Watch titledThe Boot on My Neck’: Iranian Authorities’ Crime of Persecution Against Baha’is in Iran found that the Iranian authorities’ decades-long systematic repression of Baha’is amounts to the crime against humanity of persecution. 

“The Iranian government’s systematic oppression of Baha’is casts a shadow over every aspect of their lives and is a distressing testament to its discriminatory treatment of religious and ethnic minorities, leaving no aspect of their lives untouched by injustice,” Human Rights Watch deputy Middle East director, Michael Page, said. 

The Made With Love exhibition will be on display at the Sydney Baha’i House of Worship information centre until May 5. It is hoped to travel across Australia in the future. Visit for more information.

Thanks for reading.


Made With Love

The Made With Love exhibition is an individual initiative facilitated by a small group of volunteers and showcases handcrafted items from Baha’is imprisoned in Iran either in the past or those who are currently serving lengthy periods of incarceration. The exhibition aims to raise awareness about the ongoing persecution of the Baha’is in Iran.

Published in April, 2024, in Individual Initiatives > Initiatives

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