Australian Baha'i Sites

Perth’s youth rally around those experiencing homelessness

Two of Perth’s dynamic youth recently joined forces to rally the community together in support of those experiencing homelessness across the city. 

Sonia Raisi and Zahra Vink, from the city’s Stirling and Cambridge communities, decided to partner with local not-for-profit Uniting WA in the spirit of Ayyam-i-Ha to raise supplies and assist those in need. 

“(We thought) it would be so awesome to collaborate on a service project,” Zahra said, speaking of the two university Baha’i societies of which she and Sonia are a part. “We assessed the reality of Perth and we realised one crisis we want to address is the issue with those experiencing homelessness.” 

Watch the full video below. 

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Sonia and Zahra

Two dynamic youth from the Stirling and Cambridge communities in Perth, Western Australia, Sonia and Zahra are constantly thinking about how to advance their neighbourhoods through various capacity-building and social action efforts.

Published in April, 2024, in Individual Initiatives > Initiatives

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