Australian Baha'i Sites

Open Mic Night celebrates impact of the arts

A new initiative in the Gold Coast is celebrating the creative talents of people of all ages, encouraging friends to move outside their comfort zone and celebrating the impact of the arts.

The Open Mic Night was established out of a love for the arts. Founder and facilitator Bahareh Khademi says it was founded on the understanding that the arts can have a significant impact on people’s lives and their communities.

“It came about through a few conversations, consultations, youth camps and speaking with friends and family and recognising there was a great need amongst friends to get together and celebrate and have social time together to build those bonds of friendship,” she says.

Whether it’s a poem, song, dance, skit or “anything they feel prompted to share with their community”, Bahareh says friends are encouraged to showcase their creative talents in the “unifying experience”.

Gold Coast resident Erika Naghipour says the Open Mic night resonates with her because she grew up with art and performance.

“It reminds me that there’s different ways to share your knowledge about the Faith.”

Watch the video here:

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Bahareh Khademi

Bahareh Khademi is a resident in Gold Coast, Queensland and is passionate about harnessing the power of the arts to effect change in the lives of individuals and the community. She is the founder and facilitator of the Gold Coast Open Mic Night, which brings together people of all ages in celebration of creativity.

Published in May, 2024, in Individual Initiatives > Arts & Music

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