Australian Baha'i Sites

‘It propels real transformation’: Applying the Baha’i teachings to study and work

In its 30 December, 2021 Message, the Universal House of Justice writes that the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) is “a notable example of one form of education through which young believers are becoming better acquainted with a Baha’i perspective on issues relevant to the progress of humanity”. 

Over the 2024 summer period, more than 250 youth attended the ISGP undergraduate and graduate seminars, with young people travelling from across Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. 

Held in Perth, Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne, the aim of the 12-day gatherings was to unlock the potential of young adults by developing their capacity to think more profoundly about how to apply Baha’u’llah’s Revelation to every aspect of their lives, including work and study, in order to contribute to the betterment of society.

Sydney ISGP group photo
The ISGP gathering in Sydney.

According to one participant, the seminar provided “the opportunity to think about our fields of study and what we are learning in our courses in light of the Teachings”.  

“I understand that serious participation in my field over the coming years will require more knowledge, experience and collaboration with others, and that this will be an area of lifelong learning for me as a Baha’i in my field,” they said. 

“As a first step however, I feel more confident to enter the university setting, grapple with complex ideas with my peers, and engage in conversations with others that are based on a common desire for social change.” 

I feel more clear on what it means to be a Baha’i in this day and age. I have realised that the Faith is more than just a set of rules that we follow. It propels real transformation.

ISGP Participant

Another participant reflected about how their Baha’i identity was cemented as a result of their participation in the seminar, “because we spent a lot of time thinking about religion’s purpose and place in our society”.  

“By looking at the course of history and how all scientific, moral and artistic advances have originated from and been sustained by religion, I feel more clear on what it means to be a Baha’i in this day and age. I have realised that the Faith is more than just a set of rules that we follow. It propels real transformation.”

ISGP Group photo at Melbourne.
The ISGP group gathers at the Mount Morton Baha’i Centre of Learning

Applications for the next summer’s undergraduate and graduate seminars will open in the coming months. Contact details for coordinating teams can be found at the ISGP Australia website:

Thanks for reading.


Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity

The Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP) is a series of undergraduate and graduate seminars that aim to unlock the potential within young adults to think more profoundly about how to apply Baha’u’lláh’s Revelation to their lives.


Published in February, 2024, in Baha'i Institutions > Public Discourse

Available online at:

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