Australian Baha'i Sites
The Universal House of Justice

‘An irreplaceable element’: Universal House of Justice releases message about family life on Naw Ruz 

The international governing body of the Baha’i Faith, the Universal House of Justice, has released a gift to the Baha’is of the world, coinciding with the Baha’i new year.  The new message, dated ...

Horizons Team

Power of Faith showcased throughout Australia as thousands celebrate Ayyam-i-Ha

Ayyam-i-Ha celebrations in cities and regional areas across the country have showcased the Baha’i Faith’s power in promoting vibrant, healthy and hopeful communities.  Ayyam-i-Ha, also known ...

Horizons Team

Summer schools solidify vision of service and sacrifice 

The Australian Baha’i summer schools have attracted hundreds of Baha’is and well-wishers of humanity as they have explored how to further the community-building efforts in their own localities in ...

Edith Cowan University Baha’i Society

Edith Cowan Baha’i Society receives accolade for contributions to university life 

The Baha’i Society of Edith Cowan University (ECU) in Western Australia has been recognised for its contribution to university culture, receiving the 2024 Activities and South West Club of the ...

Horizons Team

Developing constructive resilience: Workshops explore mental and spiritual health 

For more than eight years, an innovative collaboration has been unfolding In South Australia addressing specific needs relating to mental and spiritual health.  The initiative started when ...

Horizons Team

‘Reminded of the global unity’: Honouring the Faith’s founders in a multitude of settings 

The Twin Holy Days – the birth of the Bab and the birth of Baha’u’llah – have been marked in a myriad of settings across the country, with people of all walks of life gathering to honour ...

Baha’i Council for Western and Central Australia

‘The chief sinews of Baha’i society’: Reflecting on the role of Local Spiritual Assemblies 

In its message dated 30 December 2021, the international governing body of the Baha’i Faith, the Universal House of Justice, described the role of the local governing councils of Baha’i ...

Horizons Team

Houses of Worship to be established in three new localities 

On October 16, the international governing council of the Baha’i Faith, the Universal House of Justice, released a message to the Baha’is of the world announcing that with “praise and ...

The Office of External Affairs

Artworks showcase strength and sacrifice 

An exhibition honouring strength, sacrifice and steadfastness is currently on show at the Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture (ACCC) in commemoration of the one year anniversary ...

Horizons Team

Exploring importance of social action and elevated discourse 

Some 450 Baha’is and their friends of all ages from Brisbane and nearby communities came together at the University of Queensland last month to participate in the New Horizons Conference ...

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