The Power of the Arts

The arts are constantly drawn on Australia-wide to stimulate reflection, inspire hope and generate joy as Baha’is and their friends work on building vibrant, outward-looking communities that cast a light on themes that captivate public consciousness and highlight humanity’s interconnectedness.
The Baha’i Writings repeatedly emphasise the power of the arts, with the Universal House of Justice stating in its Ridvan 2023 Message that “In this new series of Plans, increasing attention needs to be given to other processes that seek to enhance the life of a community—for example, … drawing more effectively on the power of the arts.”
This collection will showcase how people of all ages across Australia are uplifting spirits through artforms including music, visual works, theatre, poetry, design and much more. Such works focus on revealing the beauty that exists in the world and conveying new perspectives on topical issues to “enhance the life of a community” and work towards the advancement of our society.
“ The true worth of artists and craftsmen should be appreciated, for they advance the affairs of mankind. ”
In this Collection ...
Drawing on the spiritual power of the arts
Baha’is always strive to further enrich their community-building activities by drawing on the arts – whether through prayers put to music, drama, or the use of visual arts ...
Uniting a community through an inclusive family festival devoted to giving
The community of Armadale, in the south-east of Perth, recently decided to host a special Ayyam-i-Ha festival engaging entire families in a celebratory event devoted to the theme of generosity. ...
Handcrafted works of love from imprisoned Baha’is showcased in Sydney
Handwoven garments, letters, purses, handcrafted jewellery, and intricately knitted dolls – these are some examples of the items lovingly made by Baha’is while imprisoned in Iran. ...
Stories of The Master: New podcast connects hearts to ‘Abdu’l-Baha
In this interview with Australian Baha’i Horizons, Sana Vasli speaks about the inspiration behind his individual initiative Stories of The Master – a podcast series that shares inspiring and ...
New documentary released about Australia’s first female Baha’i and photographer Effie Baker
Euphemia ‘Effie’ Baker is an inspiring historical figure in the worldwide Baha’i community. Now, in a new film released this week, the details of her life have become more accessible than ...
Open Mic Night celebrates impact of the arts
A new initiative in the Gold Coast is celebrating the creative talents of people of all ages, encouraging friends to move outside their comfort zone and celebrating the impact of the arts. The ...